Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mellowing Out on Marijuana

Those Rocky Mountains are getting higher. Two municipalities — Denver, Colorado, and the small town of Hailey, Idaho — passed pro-marijuana measures on election day this week, joining a growing number of liberal localities that are reducing or removing penalities on using pot. It's part of a slowly evolving populist rehabilitation of the drug. San Francisco, Oakland and Santa Monica in California, along with Missoula, Montana, and Seattle, Washington, have previously passed laws that give the lowest priority to enforcing existing marijuana laws.

Federal regulations, which supercede local ordinances, continue to prescribe heavy penalties — even in some cases death — for major dealers of illegal drugs, including marijuana. The federal penalty for possession of even a miniscule amount is a misdemeanor punishable by one year in prison and $1,000. Penalties are higher with cultivation, sale and crossing state lines. However, magistrates generally use state and local laws as sentencing guidelines — unless there is federal intervention, which doesn't occur in every drug case because they would increase court time and costs.

Read the full article on here.



At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love marijuana. i belive that when a country is puttin 1.9 mil in prison annually and spending 7.7 billion dollars anually on enforcement on marijuana is completely ridiculous.

the money we are spending on this "war on drugs" needs to be put in better use. such as health care, education, or social security. by legalizing marijuana our county will be makin so much if we just use a system of taxation and regulation. i don't remember the exact numbers but i know its estimated that california by itself will make approximatly 102.3 million dollars.

and if we legalize marijuana the demand for other "harder" drugs will decrease.

LEAP is and organization i found about a month ago. it stands for Law Enforcement Aganist Proibition. this war on drugs is giving cops a bad rep they see it and so does the country.

we must be strong and fight to legalize. join an organization and do your part to help all the people of the country.


At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read more about LEAP on these web sites:


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